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2010 Deep Research Report on China Car GPS Industry
完成日期:Oct 7, 2010
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Table of Contents:

Chapter Car GPS Industry Overview 1
1.1 Car GPS (Global Positioning System) Definition 1
1.2 Car GPS Classification 1
1.3 Car GPS Strucutre 2
1.3.1Car GPS Composition 2
1.3.2Car GPS Composition and Performance Requirements 2
1.4 Car GPS Industry Chain Structure 3
1.5 Car GPS Industry Status 3
1.5.1 Global Car GPS Industry Status 3
1.5.2 China Car GPS Industry Status 4
1.5.3 China Car GPS Industry Characteristics 4
1.6 China Car GPS Industry Outlook 5
1.6.1 China Highway Development Outlook 5
1.6.2 China Electronic Map Development Outlook 6
1.6.3 China Automotive Industry Development Outlook 6
1.6.4 China Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Development Outlook 7
1.6.5 China Car GPS Navigation Technology Development Supporting Policies 7

Chapter Two Car GPS Technology Analysis 8
2.1 Car GPS Technology Overview 8
2.1.1 GPS Positioning Technology 8
2.1.2 GPS Chip Technology 9
2.1.3 Electronic Map Technology 10
2.2 Car GPS Technology Development Trend 12
2.2.1 GPS Chip Technology Development Trend 12
2.2.2 Electronic Map Technology Development Trend 12
2.2.3 Car GPS Technology Development Trend 13

Chapter Three China Car GPS Production Supply Sales Demand Market Status and Forecast 2010-2012 13
3.1 China Car GPS Production Overview 13
3.2 China Car GPS Demand 21
3.3 China Car GPS Supply and Demand 22
3.4 Car GPS Cost Price Production Value Profit Margin 23

Chapter Four China Car GPS Chip Production Supply Sales Demand Market Status and Forecast 2010-2012 25
4.1 Car GPS Chip Production Overview 25
4.2 Car GPS Chip Demand 27
4.3 Car GPS Chip Supply and Demand 27
4.4 Car GPS Chip Cost Price Production Value Profit Margin 28

Chapter Five China Car GPS Electronic Map Production Supply Sales Demand Market Status and Forecast 2010-2012 29
5.1 Electronic Map Production Overview 29
5.2 Electronic Map Demand 31
5.3 Electronic Map Supply and Demand 31
5.4 Electronic Map Cost Price Production Value Profit Margin 32

Chapter Six Car GPS Key Manufacturers 32
6.1 Coagent Electronic S&T Co., Ltd (Guangdong) 33
6.2 Denso (Tianjin) 35
6.3 Soling Industrial (Shenzhen) 37
6.4 Rotiss Electronics (Huizhou) 38
6.5 Shinco (Jiangsu) 40
6.6 Skypine Electronics (Shenzhen) 42
6.7 UniStrong (Beijing) 43
6.8 RoadRover Technology (Shenzhen) 45
6.9 Bosch (Shanghai) 47
6.10 Newsmy (Beijing) 48
6.11 Pioneer (Shanghai) 50
6.12 Wanlida Group (Xiamen) 52
6.13 BDStar Navigation (Beijing) 54
6.14 ChanghongIT (Sichuan) 56
6.15 FlyAudio (Guangzhou) 58
6.16 Saige GPS (Shenzhen) 60
6.17 Panasonic (Beijing) 61
6.18 Link Create (Shenzhen) 63
6.19 Clarion (Dongguan) 64
6.20 Alpine (Beijing) 67
6.21 Aisin (Tianjin) 68

Chapter Seven Car GPS Chip Key Manufacturers 70
7.1 SiRF (USA) 70
7.2 U-blox (Switzerland) 72
7.3 Garmin (Taiwan) 74
7.4 Huaxun Microelectronics (Xian) 76
7.5 Institute of Microelectronics of Chinese Academy of Science(IMECAS) (Beijing) 78

Chapter Eight Car GPS Electronic Map Key Manufacturers 80
8.1 Careland (Shenzhen) 81
8.2 Ritu (Guangdong) 83
8.3 NavInfo (Beijing) 85
8.4 AutoNavi (Beijing) 87
8.5 CityonMap (Beijing) 89

Chapter Nine Feasibility Analysis of China Car GPS 92
9.1 China Car GPS Opportunities 92
9.1.1 China Economy Environment Analysis 92
9.1.2 Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Development Analysis 93
9.1.3 Automotive Industry Development Analysis 94
9.2 China Car GPS Risks 95
9.2.1 Price Risk 95
9.2.2 Electronic Map Risk 95
9.2.3 Competing Risks 95
9.3 Feasibility Analysis of China 100K units Car GPS Project 95

Chapter Ten Car GPS Research Conclusions 96

Tables and Figures:

Figure Car GPS Navigation Pictures 1
Figure Car GPS Industry Chain Structure 3
Table 2010 China 18 Provinces and China Total Highway Mileage (KM) 5
Figure Beijing City Electronic Map 11
Table China 11 Enterprise Who own Class A Qualification of Navigation Electronic Map 11
Table 2008-2012 China 21 Manufacturers Car GPS Capacity and China Total Capacity (10K units) List 14
Table 2008-20122008-2012 China 21 Manufacturers Car GPS Capacity Market Share 14
Table 2008-2012 2008-2012 China 21 Manufacturers Car GPS Production and China Total Production (10K units) List 15
Table 2008-2012 2008-2012 China 21 Manufacturers Car GPS Production Market Share 16
Figure 2008-2012 China Car GPS Capacity Production (10K units) and Growth Rate 17
Table 2008-2012 China Major OEM Car GPS Companies OEM Car GPS Production and China Total Production (10K units) List 17
Table 2008-2012 China Major OEM Car GPS Companies OEM Car GPS Production Market Share 18
Table 2008-2012 China Major Aftermarket Car GPS Companies Aftermarket Car GPS Production and China Total Production (10K units) List 18
Table 2008-2012 China Major Aftermarket Car GPS Companies Aftermarket Car GPS Production Market Share 18
Table 2008-2012 China Major PND (Personal Navigation Device) Companies PND Production and China Total Production (10K units) List 19
Table 2008-2012 China Major PND Companies PND Production Market Share 19
Figure 2008-2012 China Car GPS OEM Aftermarket PND Production (10K units) and Growth Rate 20
Table 2008-2012 China Car GPS OEM Aftermarket PND Production (10K units) and Market Share 20
Table 2008-2012 China Automobile Ownership (10K units) and Growth Rate 21
Table 2008-2012 China Automobile Production (10K units) List 21
Figure 2008-2012 China Automobile Production (10K units) and Growth Rate 21
Table 2008-2012 China Car GPS Demand (10K units) List 22
Table 2008-2012 China Car GPS Supply Demand and Shortage (10K units) List 22
Table China OEM Car GPS Production (10K units) Price Cost Profit (RMB/unit) Production Value (100Million RMB) Profit Margin List 23
Table China Aftermarket Car GPS Production (10K units) Price Cost Profit (RMB/unit) Production Value (100Million RMB) Profit Margin List 23
Table China PND Production (10K units) Price Cost Profit (RMB/unit) Production Value (100Million RMB) Profit Margin List 23
Table 2008-2012 China Car GPS OEM Aftermarket PND Production Value (100 Million RMB) and Market Share 24
Table China Car GPS Production (10K units) Price Cost Profit (RMB/unit) Production Value (100Million RMB) Profit Margin List 24
Table 2008-2012 China Major Car GPS Chip Companies Car GPS Chip Capacity and China Total Capacity (10K units) List 25
Table 2008-2012 China Major Car GPS Chip Companies Car GPS Chip Capacity Market Share 25
Table 2008-2012 China Major Car GPS Chip Companies Car GPS Chip Production and China Total Production (10K units) List 26
Table 2008-2012 China Major Car GPS Chip Companies Car GPS Chip Production Market Share 26
Figure 2008-2012 China Car GPS Chip Capacity Production (10K units) and Growth Rate 27
Table 2008-2012 China Car GPS Chip Demand (10K units) List 27
Table 2008-2012 China Car GPS Chip Supply Demand and Shortage (10K units) List 27
Table China Car GPS Chip Production (10K units) Price Cost Profit (RMB/unit) Production Value (100Million RMB) Profit Margin List 28
Table 2008-2012 China Major Electronic Map Companies Electronic Map Capacity and China Total Capacity (10K units) List 29
Table 2008-2012 China Major Electronic Map Companies Electronic Map Capacity Market Share 29
Table 2008-2012 China Major Electronic Map Companies Electronic Map Production and China Total Production (10K units) List 30
Table 2008-2012 China Major Electronic Map Companies Electronic Map Production Market Share 30
Figure 2008-2012 China Car GPS Electronic Map Capacity Production (10K units) and Growth Rate 31
Table 2008-2012 China Car GPS Electronic Map Demand (10K units) List 31
Table 2008-2012 China Car GPS Electronic Map Supply Demand and Shortage (10K units) List 31
Table China Car GPS Electronic Map Production (10K units) Price Cost Profit (RMB/unit) Production Value (100Million RMB) Profit Margin List 32
Table Coagent Electronic S&T Co., Ltd Company Information Table (Products Contacts Customers Employees etc) 33
Table 2008-2012 Coagent Electronic Car GPS Capacity Production (10K units) Price Cost Profit (RMB/unit) Production Value (10K RMB) Profit Margin List 34
Figure 2008-2012 Coagent Electronic Car GPS Capacity Production (10K units) and Growth Rate 35
Table Denso (Tianjin) Car Navigation System Co., Ltd Company Information Table (Products Contacts Customers Employees etc) 35
Table 2008-2012 Denso Car GPS Capacity Production (10K units) Price Cost Profit (RMB/unit) Production Value (10K RMB) Profit Margin List 36
Figure 2008-2012 Denso Car GPS Capacity Production (10K units) and Growth Rate 36
Table Shenzhen Soling Industrial Co., Ltd Company Information Table (Products Contacts Customers Employees etc) 37
Table 2008-2012 Soling Industrial Car GPS Capacity Production (10K units) Price Cost Profit (RMB/unit) Production Value (10K RMB) Profit Margin List 38
Figure 2008-2012 Soling Industrial Car GPS Capacity Production (10K units) and Growth Rate 38
Table Rotiss Electronics Co., Ltd Company Information Table (Products Contacts Customers Employees etc) 38
Table 2008-2012 Rotiss Electronics Car GPS Capacity Production (10K units) Price Cost Profit (RMB/unit) Production Value (10K RMB) Profit Margin List 39
Figure 2008-2012 Rotiss Electronics Car GPS Capacity Production (10K units) and Growth Rate 40
Table Shinco Company Information Table (Products Contacts Customers Employees etc) 40
Table 2008-2012 Shinco Car GPS Capacity Production (10K units) Price Cost Profit (RMB/unit) Production Value (10K RMB) Profit Margin List 41
Figure 2008-2012 Shinco Car GPS Capacity Production (10K units) and Growth Rate 41
Table Skypine Electronics Company Information Table (Products Contacts Customers Employees etc) 42
Table 2008-2012 Skypine Electronics Car GPS Capacity Production (10K units) Price Cost Profit (RMB/unit) Production Value (10K RMB) Profit Margin List 42
Figure 2008-2012 Skypine Electronics Car GPS Capacity Production (10K units) and Growth Rate 43
Table UniStrong Company Information Table (Products Contacts Customers Employees etc) 43
Table 2008-2012 UniStrong Car GPS Capacity Production (10K units) Price Cost Profit (RMB/unit) Production Value (10K RMB) Profit Margin List 44
Figure 2008-2012 UniStrong Car GPS Capacity Production (10K units) and Growth Rate 45
Table RoadRover Technology Company Information Table (Products Contacts Customers Employees etc) 45
Table 2008-2012 RoadRover Technology Car GPS Capacity Production (10K units) Price Cost Profit (RMB/unit) Production Value (10K RMB) Profit Margin List 46
Figure 2008-2012 RoadRover Technology Car GPS Capacity Production (10K units) and Growth Rate 46
Table Bosch Company Information Table (Products Contacts Customers Employees etc) 47
Table 2008-2012 Bosch Car GPS Capacity Production (10K units) Price Cost Profit (RMB/unit) Production Value (10K RMB) Profit Margin List 48
Figure 2008-2012 Bosch Car GPS Capacity Production (10K units) Growth Rate 48
Table Newsmy Company Information Table (Products Contacts Customers Employees etc) 48
Table 2008-2012 Newsmy Car GPS Capacity Production (10K units) Price Cost Profit (RMB/unit) Production Value (10K RMB) Profit Margin List 49
Figure 2008-2012 Newsmy Car GPS Capacity Production (10K units) and Growth Rate 50
Table Pioneer Company Information Table (Products Contacts Customers Employees etc) 50
Table 2008-2012 Pioneer Car GPS Capacity Production (10K units) Price Cost Profit (RMB/unit) Production Value (10K RMB) Profit Margin List 51
Figure 2008-2012 Pioneer Car GPS Capacity Production (10K units) and Growth Rate 52
Table Wanlida Group Company Information Table (Products Contacts Customers Employees etc) 52
Table 2008-2012 Wanlida Group Car GPS Capacity Production (10K units) Price Cost Profit (RMB/unit) Production Value (10K RMB) Profit Margin List 53
Figure 2008-2012 Wanlida Group Car GPS Capacity Production (10K units) and Growth Rate 54
Table BDStar Navigation Company Information Table (Products Contacts Customers Employees etc) 54
Table 2008-2012 BDStar Navigation Car GPS Capacity Production (10K units) Price Cost Profit (RMB/unit) Production Value (10K RMB) Profit Margin List 55
Figure 2008-2012 BDStar Navigation Car GPS Capacity Production (10K units) and Growth Rate 56
Table ChanghongIT Company Information Table (Products Contacts Customers Employees etc) 56
Table 2008-2012 ChanghongIT Car GPS Capacity Production (10K units) Price Cost Profit (RMB/unit) Production Value (10K RMB) Profit Margin List 57
Figure 2008-2012 ChanghongIT Car GPS Capacity Production (10K units) and Growth Rate 58
Table FlyAudio Company Information Table (Products Contacts Customers Employees etc) 58
Table 2008-2012 FlyAudio Car GPS Capacity Production (10K units) Price Cost Profit (RMB/unit) Production Value (10K RMB) Profit Margin List 59
Figure 2008-2012 FlyAudio Car GPS Capacity Production (10K units) and Growth Rate 59
Table Saige GPS Company Information Table (Products Contacts Customers Employees etc) 60
Table 2008-2012 Saige GPS Car GPS Capacity Production (10K units) Price Cost Profit (RMB/unit) Production Value (10K RMB) Profit Margin List 60
Figure 2008-2012 Saige GPS Car GPS Capacity Production (10K units) and Growth Rate 61
Table Panasonic Company Information Table (Products Contacts Customers Employees etc) 61
Table 2008-2012 Panasonic Car GPS Capacity Production (10K units) Price Cost Profit (RMB/unit) Production Value (10K RMB) Profit Margin List 62
Figure 2008-2012 Panasonic Car GPS Capacity Production (10K units) and Growth Rate 62
Table Link Create Company Information Table (Products Contacts Customers Employees etc) 63
Table 2008-2012 Link Create Car GPS Capacity Production (10K units) Price Cost Profit (RMB/unit) Production Value (10K RMB) Profit Margin List 64
Figure 2008-2012 Link Create Car GPS Capacity Production (10K units) and Growth Rate 64
Table Clarion Company Information Table (Products Contacts Customers Employees etc) 64
Table 2008-2012 Clarion Car GPS Capacity Production (10K units) Price Cost Profit (RMB/unit) Production Value (10K RMB) Profit Margin List 66
Figure 2008-2012 Clarion Car GPS Capacity Production (10K units) and Growth Rate 66
Table Alpine Company Information Table (Products Contacts Customers Employees etc) 67
Table 2008-2012 Alpine Car GPS Capacity Production (10K units) Price Cost Profit (RMB/unit) Production Value (10K RMB) Profit Margin List 67
Figure 2008-2012 Alpine Car GPS Capacity Production (10K units) and Growth Rate 68
Table Aisin Company Information Table (Products Contacts Customers Employees etc) 68
Table 2008-2012 Aisin Car GPS Capacity Production (10K units) Price Cost Profit (RMB/unit) Production Value (10K RMB) Profit Margin List 69
Figure 2008-2012 Aisin Car GPS Capacity Production (10K units) and Growth Rate 69
Table SiRF Company Information Table (Products Contacts Customers Employees etc) 70
Table 2008-2012 SiRF Car GPS Chip Capacity Production (10K units) Price Cost Profit (RMB/unit) Production Value (100Million RMB) Profit Margin List 71
Figure 2008-2012 SiRF Car GPS Chip Capacity Production (10K units) Growth Rate 72
Table U-bloxCompany Information Table (Products Contacts Customers Employees etc) 72
Table 2008-2012 U-blox Car GPS Chip Capacity Production (10K units) Price Cost Profit (RMB/unit) Production Value (100Million RMB) Profit Margin List 73
Figure 2008-2012 U-blox Car GPS Chip Capacity Production (10K units) Growth Rate 74
Table Garmin Company Information Table (Products Contacts Customers Employees etc) 74
Table 2008-2012 Garmin Car GPS Chip Capacity Production (10K units) Price Cost Profit (RMB/unit) Production Value (100Million RMB) Profit Margin List 75
Figure 2008-2012 Garmin Car GPS Chip Capacity Production (10K units) Growth Rate 76
Table Huaxun Microelectronics Company Information Table (Products Contacts Customers Employees etc) 76
Table 2008-2012 Huaxun Microelectronics Car GPS Chip Capacity Production (10K units) Price Cost Profit (RMB/unit) Production Value (100Million RMB) Profit Margin List 77
Figure 2008-2012 Huaxun Microelectronics Car GPS Chip Capacity Production (10K units) Growth Rate 78
Table IMECAS Company Information Table (Products Contacts Customers Employees etc) 78
Table 2008-2012 IMECAS Car GPS Chip Capacity Production (10K units) Price Cost Profit (RMB/unit) Production Value (100Million RMB) Profit Margin List 79
Figure 2008-2012 IMECAS Car GPS Chip Capacity Production (10K units) Growth Rate 80
Table Careland Company Information Table (Products Contacts Customers Employees etc) 81
Table 2008-2012 Careland Electronic Map Capacity Production (10K units) Price Cost Profit (RMB/unit) Production Value (10K RMB) Profit Margin List 82
Figure 2008-2012 Careland Electronic Map Capacity Production (10K units) Growth Rate 83
Table Ritu Company Information Table (Products Contacts Customers Employees etc) 83
Table 2008-2012 Ritu Electronic Map Capacity Production (10K units) Price Cost Profit (RMB/unit) Production Value (10K RMB) Profit Margin List 84
Figure 2008-2012 Ritu Electronic Map Capacity Production (10K units) Growth Rate 85
Table NavInfo Company Information Table (Products Contacts Customers Employees etc) 85
Table 2008-2012 NavInfo Car GPS Electronic Map Capacity Production (10K units) Price Cost Profit (RMB/unit) Production Value (10K RMB) Profit Margin List 86
Figure 2008-2012 NavInfo Car GPS Electronic Map Capacity Production (10K units) Growth Rate 87
Table AutoNavi Company Information Table (Products Contacts Customers Employees etc) 87
Table 2008-2012 AutoNavi Car GPS Electronic Map Capacity Production (10K units) Price Cost Profit (RMB/unit) Production Value (10K RMB) Profit Margin List 88
Figure 2008-2012 AutoNavi Car GPS Electronic Map Capacity Production (10K units) Growth Rate 89
Table CityonMap Company Information Table (Products Contacts Customers Employees etc) 89
Table 2008-2012 CityonMap Car GPS Electronic Map Capacity Production (10K units) Price Cost Profit (RMB/unit) Production Value (10K RMB) Profit Margin List 90
Figure 2008-2012 CityonMap Car GPS Electronic Map Capacity Production (10K units) Growth Rate 91
Figure 2005-2009 China GDP (100Million RMB) and Growth Rate 92
Figure 2009 China Intelligent Transportation System Production Value Regional Distribution 94
Figure 2008-2012 China Automobile Ownship (10K units) and Growth Rate 94
Table 100K units Car GPS Project Investment Feasibility Analysis 96


  《2010 Deep Research Report on China Car GPS Industry》 was professional and depth research report on China Car GPS industry.this report has firstly introduced Car GPS definition classification industry chain etc relation information. Then introduced Car GPS manufacturing technology analysis, And then
  Summary statistics of China major Car GPS manufacturers 2008-2012 Car GPS capacity production supply demand shortage and Car GPS selling price cost profit profit margin and production value,
  Summary statistics of China major Car GPS Chip manufacturers 2008-2012 Car GPS Chip capacity production supply demand shortage and Car GPS Chip selling price cost profit profit margin and production value,
  Summary statistics of China major Car GPS Electronic Map manufacturers 2008-2012 Car GPS Electronic Map capacity production supply demand shortage and Car GPS Electronic Map selling price cost profit profit margin and production value, And also introduced China
  21 major Car GPS companies basic information, 2008-2012 Car GPS capacity production price cost profit profit margin and production value etc details information.
  5 major Car GPS Chip companies basic information, 2008-2012 Car GPS Chip capacity production price cost profit profit margin and production value etc details information.
  5 major Car GPS Electronic Map companies basic information, 2008-2012 Car GPS Electronic Map capacity production price cost profit profit margin and production value etc details information.
  In the end, this report introduced 100K units car GPS project feasibility analysis and investment return analysis.also give related research conclusions and development trend analysis of China Car GPS industry. In a word, it was a depth research report on China Car GPS industry. And thanks to the support and assistance from Car GPS industry chain (Car GPS companies GPS Chip companies Electronic Map suppliers and government related anencies etc) related experts and enterprises during QYResearch Team survey and interview.  
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